How to Sew Like a Pro

How to Sew Like a Pro

They say sewing is a special skill that takes time and practice. Practice. Practice. And, then…more practice.  But there are certain techniques that will help your time be used more effectively. In this article, we’ll explore four ways you can maximize your sewing skill set.  We also just published the Brother XM2701 Sewing Machine review.

Do Not Cut Corners: Read Everything!

How many times do we skim a pattern and move forward thinking we know how to sew it? It happens all of the time. Often, by reading the whole pattern in its entirety BEFORE starting to sew, you can eliminate errors before they ever happen.

Many times, the author will include special instructions on techniques for your particular pattern. It usually only takes a few minutes to read the whole procedure. Yet, reading the pattern could save you hours of frustration. Trust me, it’s worth your time.    

Measure Twice, Cut Once

You’ve probably heard this phrase many times. But, it’s true every time. Measure what you’re cutting, then double check it. Or, if you’re not measuring, but rather cutting a pinned pattern–check EVERYTHING.

Check that the fabric design aligns the way you want. Is the fabric on a difficult bias? Fix it. Ensure that all fabric layers are fully covered. Is the pattern pinned correctly? This old adage, “measure twice, cut once,” is really just another way of saying “pay careful attention.” Because, once the fabric is cut, there is no going back.     

Excellence in Seams

One seam leads to another. As you are sewing, take special care to ensure accurate seams. This rings especially true in quilting or when making clothing. There’s nothing more frustrating than having twelve blocks put together for a quilt and then realizing you’re a 1/2-inch off when the blocks come together.

Or, when sewing a skirt and the gathers look uneven, it’s a problem. Uneven seams make your work look sloppy and unprofessional. Take the time to align your seams. If the pattern calls for 1/4-inch seams, use the 1/4-inch foot for your machine. To some, achieving even seams comes very naturally. But, to others, it takes much more practice.

In the end, it does not matter which category you fall under. With enough practice, it will become a habit. Compare it to driving a car or riding a bike. If you must, slow down. You’ll be happier with your work knowing that you did the best you could do.     

Always Use Good Scissors  

Using great pairs of scissors is paramount. A nice sharp cut leads to improved accuracy when making patterns. It also allows for less unraveling on your thread cuts when you sew.

Scissors is one area you really do not want to skimp on when it comes to sewing. A quality pair of scissors sometimes can last a lifetime with proper care and sharpening.

Typically, you’ll need a large pair (for larger cuts) and a smaller pair for trimming. But, make no mistake, both must be of the highest quality for the best results in your sewing. And, depending on what you’re making There are all sorts of specialty cut scissors.     

Final Thoughts

Whatever your project and whatever your skill level, becoming great at sewing takes time and practice. Armed with these tips, you’ll surely be on your way in no time.